Every body wants to talk about it, but no one dares to do it. Well, folks, we are here "HIP·HOP·TV, Your 24 hour all Hip Hop channel. We are not all about music videos, we are about what you love about Hip Hop. We will bring you news that relates to you in "Hip Hop Daily", Hip Hop City, a dance -variety show that will bring you the latest trend in everything, We will show you the evolution of Hip Hop in "Hip Hop History 101", and we will get down and dirty on the streets with our rap battle series called "Hip Hop BattleGround".
This channel will be about what you love in Hip Hop and focused on you and what you want. Although our focus will start with music, we want to take HIP·HOP·TV to the next level of entertainment. With your feedback, you can tell us what you want on your HIP·HOP·TV
So bear with us, we will have some growing pains, but with all things that are worth waiting for, we are finally here to entertain you 24 hour hours a day. So if you looking for Taylor Swift, go find MTV. We ain't got that shit over here. We are HIP·HOP·TV
“Unlike all the other TV stations, we will focus on Hip Hop 24/7. So if you looking for Billie Elish, go find MTV. We ain't got that shit over here. We eat, breathe and live "HIP·HOP·TV®"
– Z-Man - Founder of HIP·HOP·TV